Tag Result :

IIT Kharagpur

52 Stories

Indofash : A Unique Startup by an IIM Alumnus

Description of the startup in one line

Workplace Spirituality And Employee Wellness

When we hear the term workplace spirituality, we tend to link it with some kind of organized religious practice, god or may be a study of theology, but the reality

Emerging Trends In Recruitment

The most important asset of an organization is its workforce. Without proper workforce no organization has ever become successful. So it becomes imperative on the part of the employers to

Leadership Lessons and Building & Scaling the Marketplace - Ramkumar Narayanan and Vivek Pathak - eBay

Leadership Lessons and Building & Scaling the Marketplace by Mr. Ramkumar Narayanan, Global Head and Mr. Vivek Pathak, Head- Business Strategy, eBay Product Development Centre

‘Made in India': A Lecture by Mr. Arnab Sengupta, National head, B2B and Business Development, Emami

"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable

‘Digital Payments - The New Paradigm’ by Mr. Rajesh Goyal, Vice President, Atos

We were born in a time when the globe was divided by geographical boundaries. With the advent of globalisation, these boundaries started diminishing and everything became readily accessible. In a

'The wonderful alumni interactions at IIT Kharagpur, especially the one with Sundar Pichai was inspiring' - Ravi Padmaraj - First Year Topper, VGSoM, IITKGP

This is a continuation of our series on First Year MBA toppers at elite b-schools. VGSoM - IITKGP is fast emerging as a premier b-school in the country. With the stellar bunch of