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Views from Prabhakar

32 Stories

Brexit: The Majority Fallacy

Typically a majority vote is strengthening not weakening. But in the case of Brexit political rhetoric is escalating and the far reaching effects of the Brexit vote have spawned a

We Are Richer and Yet We Feel Poorer - Views From Prabhakar

While India revels in its 7%+ GDP growth rate, decreasing inflation levels, over a 1 billion mobile phones in the country, 220 million smart phones, and as the only country

How Employee Advocacy Builds Brand Equity - Views From Prabhakar

Word of mouth always has been the most powerful social media platform ever in the history of the world.  Even before  the internet was born and we formally christened it

How Could Banks Lend Rs 9000 crores With Only 10% Security - Views From Prabhakar

In the case being heard by the Supreme Court from the 17 public sector bank consortium, the only worry should not be that Vijay Mallya has fled the country.  It

Freedom 251 Turns Into Fiasco - Views From Prabhakar

If you were one of those eager beavers like me who were waiting for India's $4 smart phone wonder and was madly prancing around after seeing the 2 full page

What Will Be The Image of 'Made in India' - Views From Prabhakar

The Make in India week from 13th-18th February in Mumbai, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a good time to ask some deep and piercing questions about  what

SuperBowl50 Ads Redefine Talking Heads - Views From Prabhakar

The talking head TV commercial could easily be dubbed as the documentary of the advertising world.  Imagine seeing the image of a person with only the head and the upper body

Coldplay v/s British Airways : The Great Indian Paradox

India went up in arms last week when the Coldplay video Hymn for the Weekend went online, probably as a prelude to the Super Bowl 50 scheduled in a few