XIM Bhubaneshwar
Why and How I chose XIMB - Ayush Roy
For every MBA aspirant, approximately nine months from the day CAT registration starts till the time they join the college is very crucial and at the same time it is
Why and How I Chose XIMB - Adrita Chakraborty
“You are next..please come in” – on hearing these words my already loudly hammering heart gave a start and I walked into the interview room.
Why and How I chose My campus - XIMB - Bhawana Mohapatra
There comes a turning point in everyone’s life which makes them understand their strengths and weakness. Having worked in an IT firm for 2 years, I realized, I have lot
Getting Corporate Ready at XIMB - Pratyush Dey
18th June, 2018 was the day of our orientation at XIMB. I remember a lot of excitement and a little bit of nervousness were the feelings running through my blood.
Why and How I Chose My Campus - XIMB - Pratik Malla
A strong alumni base of over seven thousand and a rich legacy of thirty years. What more can one ask from an institute. Yes, you are right. This institute is