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Pratik Ranjan

Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)

Pratik is an MBA candidate at IIM Lucknow. He is an ardent aspiring marketing strategist. His passion for marketing multiplied multifold post his internship with Unilever, where he was conferred with a PPO. Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug & seized by afflatus to read, write & explore, this twenty-something believes in the power of dreaming with his eyes open. He is a columnist in various newsletters and is up for any discussion that involves the nuances of marketing and strategy. P.S: He's charged by the fuel of caffeine.

Pratik is an MBA candidate at IIM Lucknow. He is an ardent aspiring marketing strategist. His passion for marketing multiplied multifold post his internship with Unilever, where he was conferred with a PPO. Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug & seized by afflatus to read, write & explore, this twenty-something believes in the power of dreaming with his eyes open. He is a columnist in various newsletters and is up for any discussion that involves the nuances of marketing and strategy. P.S: He's charged by the fuel of caffeine.

28 Stories

Why All IIMs Are Different Yet The Same - My Tryst With 2 IIMs

To an everyday person, the very mention of the word ‘IIM’ evokes feelings of intense respect. They know not about the differences that are perceived based on the word that follows after the word ‘IIM’. So, are all IIMs the same or different?Having been at two IIMs by now, a

The 5 Types Of Friends I Made At IIM Lucknow - A Fresher's Perspective

The best kind of friendship is with people who are 'your kind of crazy'.Hailing from a conservative family where parenting and friendship are considered two independent concepts, I realized the importance of friends early on. However, my fixation with the idea of 'the perfect friendship' as a 10-year-old, as depicted

Life Beyond Classrooms At IIM Lucknow

Ahoy Readers!As a prospective HelLite, it is pertinent for you to be half petrified thinking of how rigorous the two-year long MBA journey would be, but believe us for a fact, despite all the academic rigour you will manage to have an eventful life filled with fun and frolic. The

How To Ask Your Crush Out At A B-School - A Dummy's Guide

Greetings, lovebirds! The movie 2-States has given us a fair insight into how love reigns the B-School air. An MBA is the last time you would ever meet so many young people(read options) together in one place. Given the skewed gender ratio of B-schools, there's a huge competition that prevails